Chiefs Fans Celebrate Super Bowl Win...By Watching Porn?

The Chiefs’ Super Bowl victory parade is today.  But a lot of fans already had their own personal celebration . . . by watching a whole lot of porn.

Pornhub released stats on how many people logged on during, and after the game.  And Kansas City had the biggest post-Super Bowl spike of any city.

At kickoff, people in the Kansas City area were watching 30% less porn than normal, and it was down 47% during overtime.

But then those numbers steadily rose back up as soon as the game ended.  There was 17% more traffic than usual by 2:00 A.M. that night.

The numbers in San Francisco were similar, just not as dramatic.  Traffic was down 27% during overtime, and 4% higher than normal at 2:00 A.M.  (The national average was down 25% during overtime, and up 8%.)

Niners fans did have a 15% spike at one point.  But it happened earlier, IMMEDIATELY after the game.  In other words, Chiefs fans took some time to celebrate the win, while Niners fans got right back to business.