Couple Breaks Into Waterpark, Breaks Legs. Now Suing Waterpark!

We all have “drunk” stories....moments in time that alcohol got the best of our judgment & we did something REALLY stupid.

Here’s the thing, though --- doing something stupid & doing something illegal & dangerous are two completely different things.

These two did the latter. Meet Claire Vickers and Barry Douglas, two UK friends who got really drunk & broke into a theme park, decided to ride the water slide, got hurt, and think it’s totally acceptable to SUE THE PARK for their injuries, both suffering bad leg injuries.

Meet the couple HERE!

Again, yes, we’ve all done dumb things when having a bit too much to drink...BUT THIS IS BEYOND DUMB. And they have the gall to sue the park?!?! What kind of world are we living in?

By the way, these two are in their mid-40′ they should’ve known better. Way better! And what’s worse is that the water park has decided to not press charges. And these two morons are gonna sue them?!