MJ’s Reality Check: Parmesan Cheese, Christmas Lights in February, & Controversy with GREASE?!

The headline:

“Price of parmesan cheese may surge in 2021, experts warn” (FoxNews)


As if coronavirus hasn’t taken Enough.. now this? The amount of cheese I’ve invested the last 11 months is probably record breaking. Let me be clear.. I’m still going to but it, idc if it’s $50, but people lost their jobs & businesses & as a result, the price of Parmesan has risen!? Got it.

The headline:

“Neighbors rally behind grieving LI woman harassed for still having Christmas lights up” (NYPost)


I get it.. people are still home now more than they ever have been, but whose business is it if I want to have my Xmas lights up all I hear long? Are you paying my electricity bills? Unless I’m lighting my house up like Danny Devito in deck the halls & you can see my lights from space, you have no business telling me what to do on my property. If you want to decorate your front yard with the remains of your ancestors, that’s none of my business. I’d think it was incredibly weird but it’s your property. Everyone needs to get an entire life and mind their own business.

The headline:

‘Grease’ star Olivia Newton-John defends movie after viewers label it ‘sexist’ (FoxNews)

No, no. No, no, no. This movie is 40 something years old!!! It’s a classic. HOW DARE YOU SPEAK NEGATIVELY ABOUT IT! No. I won’t allow it! It was a different time. If you’re someone who gets offended by everything easily, don’t watch a movie with a plot of actors or story line. Just don’t. You leave this movie alone. You leave it alone I said.