Couple Takes Wedding Guests To Target To Shop For Toys For Tots

I’ve never gotten married, but I’m sure going home & opening the envelopes to see how much you made back is pretty exciting, right?  However, some of them can also be pointless and wasteful. Like that $200 crystal candy dish you didn't really need? Thanks, Aunt Susan.

But a couple in Florida recently turned the whole gift-giving tradition into something even better!  Brad and Jessica Bond got married in Orlando last Saturday. Then they took their entire wedding party of 100 people to Target . . . gave each of them a $10 gift card . . . and asked them to buy a Toys for Tots gift with it. A lot of the guests ended up spending more than that. So they walked out with a LOT of gifts to give away. And Jessica did the whole thing in her wedding gown.

It wasn't just a random idea they had. It's a tradition for them.

Brad took Jessica to Target on their FIRST DATE seven years ago, and they picked out Toys for Tots gifts together.

Such an awesome story!