Seth Rogen’s Mom Wrote a Press Release for His New Book and It’s Awesome

SETH ROGEN’s mom Sandy is kind of a legend on Twitter . . . so it’s not surprising that her press release for her son’s upcoming book is probably as much fun as the book itself.

Seth’s book is called “Yearbook”.  It’s not a memoir, but a collection of true stories from his life.  It’s coming out in May.

Here’s what Sandy had to say about it . . . quote, “If I’m being honest, I really wish there wasn’t so much drug talk.  Why does he need all that?  It’s like ‘We get it!’

“And some of the stories?  I mean, they’re entertaining, but I was just shocked they happened and he never told me!

“Overall, I think it’s more sweet and funny than anything, so I like it, and I’m glad he wrote it, but I’d be even more glad if he called me more.”

(The Wrap)