You Can Stay in the Prison Where “Stranger Things” Was Filmed

A huge portion of “Stranger Things” Season 4 takes place in a Russian prison.  Well, those scenes were actually filmed in a place called Lukiškės Prison in Vilnius, Lithuania.

And now, you can actually stay there.  The prison ceased operations in 2019, and after “Stranger Things” finished filming there, one of the cells was turned into an Airbnb.  (???)

They fixed it up to look all ‘80s . . . and even tossed in some Christmas lights as a nod to Season 1.  Your stay includes a tour of the prison and the various filming sites.

There’s a catch, though.  During World War 2, the Nazis used this prison as a concentration camp that housed thousands of people . . . most of whom were eventually EXECUTED on the outskirts of Vilnius.

So if you believe in restless spirits or bad juju, this place probably has ALL OF THAT.

(Check out some pictures here.)